Schedule & Fees – Reserve Your Spot Now!
Go Hog Wild Full Conference Pass: $115
Full Conference Pass includes:
Friday, July 8th
Saturday, July 9th
- CONFORMATION SHOW from 9 A.M. to Noon Check in begins at 8 A.M.
- EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING from 1:30 to 5:00 P.M.
- BANQUET at 6 P.M. Live Auction Following
Sunday, July 10th
- IHOG: International Hedgehog Olympic Gym-Bar-E (agility) 10 A.M. to 5 P.M.
Or Pick and Choose Your Events!
(Click on a tab for cost, registration and more information about each event. If you would like to purchase multiple events, please visit this page. )
IHA Judge’s Training – Friday, July 8th, 1 to 6 P.M. $60
This is the classroom portion of the training and the exam. In addition, judge candidates must apprentice judge to complete their training. Cost: $60
Meet & Greet Dessert Bar – Friday, July 8th, $20
Bristol Room, Bradley, IL Quality Inn and Suites. Entry for one person, any age.
(Note – if you are buying a weekend class this event is included in your All Access Pass).
Conformation Show & Vendor Area, Human Admission- Saturday, July 9th, 9 A.M. to Noon $5
Admission for one human to the conformation show and vendor area at Go Hog Wild from 9 A.M. to noon on Saturday. (Click to view photos from past shows.)
Educational Program & Vendor Area Admission – Saturday, July 9th, 1:30 to 5 P.M. $50
Ticket to the educational program and vendor area for Go Hog Wild on Saturday, July 9, 2022 for one human. The program is scheduled from 1:30 P.M. to 5 P.M.
Banquet – Saturday, July 9th, 6 P.M. $50
The Go Hog Wild banquet will be held on Saturday, July 9th at 6 pm. The banquet is a buffet including tossed salad, chicken breast, vegetarian pasta, mixed vegetables, whipped potatoes and brownies plus water, ice tea and coffee. The live auction will be held following the banquet. (Click to see photo of quilt to be auctioned off.)
Costume Contest, Agility, & Vendors, Human admission – Sunday, July 10,
10 A.M. – 5 P.M. $5
Ticket for one human for the Go Hog Wild costume contest, agility competition and vendor area on Sunday, July 10, 2022 from 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. (Click to view photos of past contests)
Post Show Animal Communication Class – Monday, July 11, 9 A.M. – 4:30 P.M. $125
Hedgehog Entry Fees:
(Click on a tab for Entry Fee and more information about each event. If you would like to purchase multiple events, please visit this page. )
Conformation Show – Saturday July 9th, 9 A.M. to Noon
Entry Fee: $7 per Hedgehog if paid by July 7 / $10 at the door
The conformation show on Saturday will be run according to the show rules of The International Hedgehog Association. Any healthy hedgehog older than 3 months of age may be entered in the show. Age is determined as of the show date, July 9, 2022. If this is your first show, please review the information on class divisions and how to show . All hedgehogs competing in the conformation show or agility competition must pass a basic health check. Health checks begin approximately one hour before the show. Early check in may be available on Friday at the judge’s discretion.
Costume Contest – Sunday, July 10, 10:30 A.M.
Entry Fee: $5 if paid by July 7 / $8 at the door
(can include one or more hedgehogs and their humans)
Hedgehogs in Hats Sunday, July 10, After Costume Contest – Free to All Hedgehogs!
This competition is free to any hedgehog registered for an event at Go Hog Wild thanks to a generous sponsor. To compete, the hedgehog must wear a hat. Hedgehogs in Hats will be held after the Costume Contest.
IHOG International Hedgehog Olympic Gym-Bar-E (agility) Sunday, July 10, 1 P.M.
Entry Fee: $7 per hedgehog if paid by June 22 / $10 at the door
(One fee covers all five events, no reduced fee if you don’t compete in everything.)
Monday, July 11 from 9 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.
Morning Session:
The morning session includes an introduction to the essentials on how to get in touch with animals telepathically. Discover your blocks to communicating with animals and the levels of communication possible. Learn how to experience animals’ perspectives, how you may have already communicated telepathically with animals, and how to expand on that. Enjoy exercises that open your heart, increase your awareness and understanding of animals and your receptivity to telepathic communication. Deepen your communion with all of life.
Afternoon Session:
After the lunch break learn how to be quiet and focus your attention when being with animals. Practice opening the channel to get across to animals and to receive what they communicate telepathically in thoughts, images, impressions, feelings, messages.
Please bring photos (printed if possible) of any animal companions you wish to work with during the class.