About Dawn

Dawn has shared her life with a variety of creatures large and small. She has a long love affair with horses, but is best known for her work with hedgehogs. She is author of The Happy, Healthy Hedgehog and previously trained veterinarians and veterinary technicians on hedgehog handling and care. Dawn also developed and sponsors IHOG, an agility program for hedgehogs, is a judge for the International Hedgehog Association, and has assisted with 4-H small animal projects.
Her articles on hedgehogs, chinchillas, guinea pigs, and other small pets have appeared in numerous trade and consumer publications. Additionally, the Wildlife Exotic and Zoo Animal Medicine Club (WEZAM) invited her to speak at their conference at the University of Wisconsin.
Work Background
Through her stature in the exotic pocket pet community, she has developed a practice that includes rabbits, guinea pigs, snakes, poison arrow frogs, bearded dragons, elephants, and even millipedes, in addition to hedgehogs, dogs, cats, horses, and humans. Dawn teaches contemporary world culture and green living in academic settings and everything she loves in non-academic settings. Course offerings include animal communication training, Reiki for animals and their humans, green living, shamanic practices, drum making, and more.
Personal Facts
She and her husband, Bob, currently share a mini farm with their “pound puppy”, Abbee, 2 hedgehogs, Mira and Marty, and a lot of nature spirits.