An Introduction to Shamanism and the Shamanic Journey
Learn all about shamanism by participating in our shamanic healing classes in Chicago, Illinois. Shamanism is one of the oldest spiritual practices on Earth. Note that we refer to it as a spiritual practice and not a religion. It is an intentional effort to develop meaningful relationships with friendly, helping spirit allies by leaving our ordinary reality and journeying into the non-ordinary realm of the spirit world.
Shamanic journeying is the process of moving into an altered state of consciousness (non-ordinary reality) to receive divine guidance, access information, experience healings on many levels, and deepen our connection to the spirit, as well as facilitate healing experiences for ourselves and others. While you may have heard a lot about the use of psychotropic plants to achieve this state of consciousness, they are not necessary and not a part of the practice for most people.

Our Shamanic Healing Classes
Part one of this class introduces you to the practice of the journey using rhythmic sound. You will begin to explore the other worlds and learn how to retrieve a power animal for yourself or others.
In part two of the class, we will explore further and gain additional practice in exploring the other worlds. You will also learn how to meet a personal guide in human form. Please note that part one is a prerequisite for part two, and both classes are required before taking the class in creating and empowering a personal healing circle.
Please bring a blanket or mat and an eye cover such as a bandana or eye shade to class. If you have a drum or rattle, you are welcome to bring those items. Drums and rattles will also be available for your use during the class.